Read the peer-reviewed studies of Readable English.
Elementary School
Using Readable English Leads to Reading Gains for Rural Elementary Students: An Experimental Study.
Published in: PLOS One, 06 Jan 2023
Middle School
Righting Reading in Middle School: Readable English Helps Underperforming Adolescent Readers.
Published in: Journal of Education for Students Placed At-Risk (JESPAR), 07 Jun 2023
High School
Reading on the Ropes: A Pilot Study of an Accelerated Remediation Program with Alternative High School Students.
Published in: Language Arts Journal of Michigan, 2023
Readable English Results
Immaculate Conception Cathedral School
The results were so positive that ICCS is using the program for all students for the 2022-2023 school year!

Delphi Community Elementary School
Multilingual Learners saw amazing results in fluency and words per minute.

Franklin Central Jr. High School
The staff fully believes Readable English is the answer to get students reading at grade level.
Templeton Elementary School

- 100% pass rate on the IREAD test for Tier 3 students
- 1.5 times greater growth on Exact Path Scaled Scores
- Tier 3 students, in grades 3 and 4
The Story
After remarkable success with Tier 3 students in 2018/2019, the school expanded the use of Readable English. They experienced continued growth, in school year 2019/2020 and students who used Readable English scored more than 1.5 times Exact Path Scaled Score growth than their peers who did not use the program.
Fayetteville Elementary School

- Achieved more than a full year’s growth by the mid-year assessment
- 2x growth of non-Readable English students
- Readers who struggle, Grade 3
The Story
For the Fall to Winter assessment window, Readable English students achieved more than double the growth of non-Readable English students. They also exceeded the typical growth as reported by NWEA MAP – in fact, Readable English students had achieved more than a full year’s growth by the mid-year assessment.
Bon Air Elementary School

- 2x growth of non-Readable English students
- Exceeded i-Ready growth target by 75%, compared to non-Readable English students who were below by 12%
- Readers who struggle, Grades 2-4
The Story
Following the success of the program in the 2018-2019 school year, the school continued with the program in 2019-2020 and experienced continued growth, with Readable English students achieving almost double the growth on non-Readable English students.
Fairview Elementary School

- 1.5x growth of non-Readable English students
- Higher proportion of Readable English students at grade-level by end of year
- Special Ed & and Readers who struggle, Grade 2
The Story
After achieving positive results in the 2019/2019 school year, Fairview Elementary School again implemented the Readable English program for readers who struggle and Special Ed students in Grade 2. Readable English students far exceed their expected Rate of Improvement, compared to non-Readable English students who did not.
Maple Crest STEM Middle School

- Students exceeded their growth target by 130%
- Highest growth of all schools in their district after expanding Readable English in year 2
- Special Education and Readers who struggle, Grades 6-8
The Story
In 2017/2018, Special Education students using Readable English, on average, exceeded their growth target by 525%. Excited by this growth, they expanded Readable English to all readers who struggle and Special Ed students across all grades. The 2018/2019 i-Ready assessment showed Readable English students again exceeded their growth target by 114% and Maple Crest claimed the title of highest growth school in the district.

Why Learning to Read English is So Hard and How to Make it Easier
The book includes the sound for each of the phonemes in English accompanied by videos and instructions for how to make each of the sounds. It also includes the videos used for teaching Readable English, such as videos that explain to students the complexities of the English language.