Readable Blog

The Power of Readable English in Addressing Middle School Literacy Challenges Post-COVID

Written by Tammy Miller | Jul 26, 2024 4:12:57 PM

The COVID-19 pandemic has left a lasting impact on student learning, with middle school students particularly bearing the brunt of these disruptions. New research from the NWEA highlights the stark reality: eighth graders are projected to need an additional nine months of schooling to reach pre-pandemic performance levels, while third graders require just over two months. This widening gap in student achievement underscores the urgent need for innovative solutions to help our students catch up. One such promising solution is Readable English.

Readable English is designed to make reading more accessible and intuitive for learners of all ages, particularly those who struggle with traditional literacy methods. By simplifying the complexities of the English language and providing visual cues, Readable English can play a crucial role in addressing the literacy challenges faced by middle school students in the post-COVID era.


Understanding the Literacy Gap

The NWEA’s findings reveal a troubling trend: across grades and subjects, students are performing worse than their pre-pandemic counterparts. Middle schoolers, in particular, are falling behind at an alarming rate. The average reading and math performance gap widened by 36% and 18%, respectively, during the last school year. This suggests that the learning disruptions experienced during the pandemic have had a cumulative effect, making it harder for students to catch up as they progress through school.

Middle school students are at a critical juncture in their education. They are transitioning from learning to read to reading to learn, and any gap or deficiency in literacy skills can significantly hinder their ability to succeed in more advanced subjects. This is where Readable English can make a difference.


How Readable English Works

Readable English transforms the way students interact with the text by incorporating visual aids (21 unique glyphs, syllable breaks, and grayed-out letters. See Figure 1. below) that make the pronunciation and understanding of words more intuitive. This approach addresses several key challenges faced by struggling readers:

  • Simplification of Complex Rules: English is notorious for its inconsistent spelling rules and exceptions. Readable English provides a consistent system that helps students decode words more easily.
  • Visual Aids: Readable English uses visual markers, syllable breaks, and grayed-out letters when letters are silent to help students identify sounds and syllables, making it easier to recognize and pronounce words correctly.
  • Immediate Feedback: The system offers immediate, visual feedback, reinforcing correct pronunciation and boosting reading confidence.


Figure 1. Readable English’s patented system makes words easy to read and pronounce.


By seamlessly integrating a pronunciation guide into every word while keeping the spelling intact, Readable English makes the English language 99% phonetic. The pronunciation guide can be applied to most content (Digital or Print) via patented conversion technology. The result is an accessible text that quickly empowers students to read accurately with independence and confidence.


Addressing Middle School Challenges

For middle school students who are already behind in their literacy skills, Readable English offers several benefits that can accelerate their learning:

  • Boosting Confidence: Many middle schoolers struggling with reading have low confidence in their abilities. Readable English’s intuitive system can help them experience success more quickly, rebuilding their self-esteem.
  • Improving Comprehension: By making decoding more straightforward, Readable English allows students to focus more on comprehension and less on figuring out how to pronounce words. This shift can lead to better understanding and retention of the material.
  • Supporting Diverse Learners: Middle school students come from diverse backgrounds and have varying literacy skills. Readable English can be tailored to meet the needs of each student, making it an inclusive solution.


A Call to Action

NWEA’s analysis emphasizes the need for continued intervention strategies, including additional instructional time, tutoring, and summer school programs. However, to truly close the literacy gap, we must embrace innovative tools like Readable English that address the root causes of reading difficulties.

As we navigate the post-pandemic educational landscape, it’s clear that we cannot afford to take our foot off the gas. Middle school students have limited time left in the school system to benefit from interventions, and they need effective solutions now more than ever. Readable English offers a powerful way to support these students, helping them catch up and build the foundational skills they need for future academic success.

Incorporating Readable English into our literacy programs offers a strategic approach to addressing the challenges faced by middle school students impacted by educational disruptions. It’s time to turn the page on pandemic-related setbacks and write a new chapter of success for our students.